Advice on company name (direct mail)

Hi guys, I’m new to land investing but not new to real estate, I’m a buy-and-hold multi-family investor. Just bought the Mastermind course and going through the videos. I like the advice Seth gave in the course about using different business name for buying land vs selling, since a name tailored towards selling may be interpreted more negatively by the recipient of an offer.

I’m clueless about what the typical seller looks like who would be interested in selling land, so I wanted to get some advice on what image people who’re already successful in this business go for? Does a mom-and-pop-sounding name work better or should it be something boring like “webuyland”? Does a personal name work better? Should it be an American-sounding name? Does it vary based on the market? Do some names work better in rural areas vs infill?


Hi @investomation, good question. I always get stumped on this kind of thing too, because I’m exceedingly good at overthinking things, haha.

I’ve seen people do well in this business with professional, corporate-sounding names. I’ve also seen people do well with some pretty wacky, cheesy, and even off-topic names (things that have nothing to do with land or real estate).

My point is, the name itself is actually a fairly minor consideration in the grand scheme of things.

Some things to keep in mind are:

  • Is the domain name available for this name (or something similar to it)?
  • Try to keep it short and memorable.
  • Try to make it distinct, so people don’t confuse your name with something else, or some other land company.

In case this helps, I just requested this from Chat GPT and it gave me some pretty good examples…

TerraVest: This name combines “terra,” which means land, with “vest,” which implies investing. It’s short, memorable, and distinct.

Landify: This name incorporates “land” into a verb, which could suggest a focus on action and growth. It’s also easy to say and spell.

RootStock: This name evokes the idea of starting from the ground up and building a strong foundation. It’s unique and easy to remember.

GroundSwell: This name suggests a movement or momentum building around land investing. It’s catchy and memorable.

TerraNova: This name combines “terra” with “nova,” which means new. It could suggest a focus on innovative approaches to land investing. It’s also easy to say and spell.

LandBridge: This name evokes the idea of connecting investors with opportunities in land investing. It’s short, memorable, and distinct.

EarthStone: This name combines “earth,” which refers to land, with “stone,” which implies solidity and strength. It’s unique and easy to remember.

LandMaven: This name incorporates “land” with “maven,” which means expert. It could suggest a focus on providing expert guidance and insights to investors. It’s also easy to say and spell.

(Note: I don’t know if any of these names are already taken or if the domain names are actually available… ChatGPT is known to be wrong about this stuff pretty often, so I would definitely double-check before you proceed).

Seth, I registered ‘landify’ in Australia a couple of months ago. The domain name ‘’ is registered, of course - perhaps some years ago. But heaps of domain variations on the ‘landify’ theme are still available.

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@investomation On the buying side, I use Patricia Buys Land LLC, on my selling side I use a different name which is memorable, but doesn’t have my name in it. I kind of feel it gives them a sense they’re working with a person that is serious about what they do because it’s an LLC and not just Patricia Buys Land, which may be okay alone, but I guess it’s really a personal preference thing.

The situation that arises out of this though, is when you buy under one LLC and sell using another name, this is where it gets confusing since the Deed is recorded in the one you bought from so you’d need to have the selling side Agreement under that name too, unless you Quitclaim it into the other LLC or name you’re selling under.

@probb right, the advice I gathered from Seth’s course (and correct me if I’m wrong) is to setup the buyer website / entity as a DBA under the same parent LLC. That may confuse / scare the seller but since they won’t see that until the final agreement at the day of signing, I’m hoping either the title company explains that it’s not a big deal or the seller doesn’t care at that point.

@investomation @retipsterseth has a better way to explain that than I can.