Any Workarounds for Idaho's Public Records Request Law?

Looking to see if anyone had any thoughts on whether there is a work around on how Idaho's public record request act is written. I've found a few counties in Idaho that of interest to me however diving in deeper I found the law to be pretty clear at least in my non legal eyes. It is written as follows.

(a) No agency or independent public body corporate and politic may distribute or sell for use as a mailing list or a telephone number list any list of persons without first securing the permission of those on the list; and
(b) No list of persons prepared by the agency or independent public body corporate and politic may be used as a mailing list or a telephone number list except by the agency or independent public body corporate and politic or another agency without first securing the permission of those on the list.

Anyone have any thoughts on if there is any point in requesting a delinquent tax list from counties in Idaho or if this pretty much makes it impossible to work within the law in the state?

@jasonpdykstra Idaho may be a tough one, since they're a non-disclosure state. I've tried a few counties in that state years ago and I also got nowhere.

I don't know exactly how this impacts people like us when requesting a delinquent tax list, but in terms of finding sold comps, you're not going to have much luck in that state unless you have access to the MLS.