Calculating Average Price Per Acre?

What tools do you use to help calculate an average sale price per acre for a given acre? I don’t want to do a Datatree export only to find out that the list I got is way out of what I can afford. I’ve already made that mistake once (thinking I could offer up to 1k/acre when in reality acreage on the list would require at least a 15k/acre offer)

@land_master PRYCD can help with this:

So can Redfin:

@retipsterseth Thanks Seth, looks like redfin removed the download all option so that’s not a viable option anymore FYI

Just kidding, looks like where I’m looking just doesn’t allow downloads. When I tested with Las Vegas it works. Weird.


@land_master did you try using the data scraper mentioned in that blog post? That makes everything work, as long as Redfin is present in that market.

Even if that doesn’t work, you can use the same data scraper in LandWatch as well.

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