Canadian Flippers?

Hey all,

I'm brand new to the flipping game and I'm really struggling to find resources to get lists for mailing. Are there any Canadian websites you guys use to collect that information, or have you had success going to the county's directly to get tax delinquent lists?

All advice would be a huge help.

@sageeshleman Welcome to the forum. Unfortunately I can't be of any help as I have never done any business in Canada. I was reading about direct mail in Canada and came across this. Not sure if it will help but maybe it will?


What implications does Canada Post have on direct marketing campaigns?

Since the majority of direct mail in Canada is delivered by Canada Post Corporation (CPC), it does have one of the largest implications on your direct marketing campaign.

Before planning a mailing, you need to consider four key implications of CPC, which all can vary depending on service or classification being executed:

  1. Mailing Specifications: There are minimum & maximum sizes for each CPC mailing service and can include restrictions on weight, location of indicia & address information. All these factors will affect the creative and format that you produce and you should double check with CPC before finalizing any direct mail concept.

    The nature and/or content of your mailing can also determine what CPC mailing service you should use.

    When including a Business Reply Envelope (BRE) or Business Reply Card (BRC) you must also adhere to specifications or you will be charged extra to have your reply mail processed.

  2. Timing: Each mailing classification has different delivery service standards and will impact how long it takes your direct mail package to be received at your prospects mailbox. Here are some parameters for Addressed Admail:
    • "Local Delivery" within 3 business days
    • "Province Delivery" within 4 to 5 business days
    • "National Delivery" within 4 to 15 business days
  3. Mailing Cost: Postage can make up the single largest cost of a direct mail package, so you must factor this cost into your budget and ROI calculations. Here are the CPC classification rates:
    • Unaddressed Postage: lowest postage cost per piece for non-addressed campaigns.
    • Lettermail Postage: provides the fastest and most predictable delivery, is the most expensive postage service but is also the most restrictive for specifications.
    • Addressed Admail Postage: varies based on quantity mailed & density of the mailing list.
    • Dimensional Admail Postage: three-dimensional packages with special rates.

    Keep in mind that Letter Carrier Presort (LCP) software, a mail preparation service provided by your lettershop or mailing house, is required to pre-sort your mail file by CPC postal walk prior to delivery at CPC. Also required is a 95% address accuracy requirement which ensures your direct mail campaign list contain accurate & mailable addresses, or you will pay an additional penalty on postage.

    For planning and estimating purposes for your addressed direct mail program, an average of approximately $0.35 per package can be used.

    For exact details please refer to the Canada Post website:

  4. Targeting: You can target to an individual address or to an entire postal walk (a letter carrier's route, made up of several postal codes).