Data Currency on DataTree

Some of the counties that I want to mail show that they have pretty current DataTree data for the Assessor Roll category, but show data that is 3 and 4 years old under the Transaction Data categories such as Deeds, Mortgages, etc. I am wanting to know if it is worth buying this data for mailing to these counties? For land investing purposes does it matter if the Deeds, Mortgages categories are several years old as long as the Assessor Roll data is current? What might the implications be if I were to purchase and use the data from these counties?

Yeah, that’s a problem (in my book, anyway). That means the property ownership data is years old, which will probably cause big issues with your deliverability.

The good news is, they’re actually telling you about it (many data services don’t).

I would either pick a different county or if it MUST be that county, pick a different data service.