when asking for a county’s delinquent tax list should I request for the past month? 3 months? year?
@fjoz It’s usually an annual list.
@suitedconnector perfect, thanks for the help!
I actually just ran into this myself… I requested the delinquent tax list for a given county, and they told me sure they can send it, but it costs $25 and then asked me how many years I want. Any suggestions? I was thinking 3…
@mizugori these lists run in annual cycles, so you need to understand which year(s) of delinquent taxes you want the list to cover.
For example, you could get the 2020 list - which means the list of people who are back due on their 2020 taxes, or the 2019 list, which means the people who are back due on their 2019 AND most likely, their 2020 taxes.
The more years of delinquency they have and the further back their delinquent taxes go, the higher the tax payoff will be, which essentially means there’s a higher likelihood that the high balance of back due taxes will eat up all your profit margin in the deal.
I think Seth recommends 1 - 2 years, but it depends on the state.
@fjoz I contacted a number of counties and none would do it. This whole thing seems Vito be a rabbit hole after a rabbit hole.
@mokenalotclean which state were you contacting counties in? Some states basically won’t give these out (usually I find this in non-disclosure states)… so it that’s where you tried to do it, that would explain the resistance you encountered.
@retipsterseth Illinois and Colorado
@mokenalotclean interesting. I don’t recall ever trying in either of those states. Although, in many cases, when it feels like I’m hitting a brick wall, the solution is to either change up my explanation or I need to talk to a different person. If you’ve already tried these things and you’re still getting nowhere, you could either move on to another state or just skip the delinquent tax list altogether.
I know many people who are doing just fine without the delinquent tax list. If you can get good at filtering the data you get from your data service of choice and/or find economical ways to tolerate the lower response rate (like going after larger deals that make more money), using a data service cuts out a lot of headaches that come with delinquent tax lists.