Direct mail on holiday season

Hi all,

I’m about to send my first direct mail and I’m wondering if the holiday is a good or bad time to send?
Not sure because from one hand people tend to check their mail box more often on holidays but from the other hand I’m not sure if they would like to deal with it during their vacation days.
What do you say? would be happy to hear from your experience


@tht I have always seen my response rates slow down during the holidays. That doesn’t mean they never come in, but they might be delayed longer than I usually see.

@tht I’ve had a surprisingly strong response rate during the holidays but this isn’t a typical time. It could be even better.


My first holiday campaign as well, but I believe that people will answer even MORE during the holidays BECAUSE they have less to do. Yes, they’re with family, but not 24/7. People actually get bored very fast. Decision makers will be sitting around and may pick up that letter.

We’re trying SMS marketing during the holidays. Our message will be even more in their view because who doesn’t carry their phone and sit on the couch during the holidays sipping their coffee?

Plus, the holidays are a time when big decisions are made about the next year.

The biggest downside to postal mail outreach during holidays is if the owner is traveling. Then you’ll have a delay. That’s why we’re trying out SMS marketing.

@donyost Thanks!

@kenneth-alan-breeze Thank you! may I ask how SMS campaign work? how do you get the owners cell phone number?

@laurie Thanks!

@tht I think hearing from the source would be best, as my team is just getting started with this. Here’s the podcast on Spotify from RETipster from June:

Enjoy :slight_smile:

@tht I always INCREASE my mailing this time of year. In addition to the fact that many investors slow down at this time, people (at least where I do business) have just received their property tax bills, so there is a possible fresh pain point.

@kenny that’s great, thanks :slight_smile:

@mike-f Thanks!