Do you know of any books about how to creatively finance and/or structure real estate of many kinds?
For example, has anyone written a book about how to creatively finance and/or structure real estate transactions involving land, SFR, multi-family, mobile homes, etc?
Like a bible of creative ways to get into real estate?
I have searched Amazon a little, but there are so many books out there. It's intimidating, thinking of what might be the best search terms/words, that will give me good results.
So, you could watch some youtube videos about this, like Jerry Norton's channel talks a lot about this, as well as Kris haskens real estate roundup. These guys give a ton of good info. Also Kris Krone (who is somewhat of a guru) has a free book which is decent in its explenation of how to do a lease option with houses. He tries to play it as his proprietary idea which is bogus, but it gives a good explanation.
In the land side, Jack Bosh's forever cash and Mark Polowski (sp?) Dirt rich are decent, as well as E.B farmers books.
That being said one of the best books I ever read (educationally) about commercial real estate is from Lance Edwards called "Big Money, Small apartments" This book probably has the educational content of your typical 2000 dollar course.
There are others I cannot think of now, but as far as I know I haven't seen one all together in one place, just do to the fact that real estate is so Broad and noone is an expert in every area. REtipster blog is probably about the best for that.