Ever sold land to developers? Need to move 37 acres fast

I have an option to purchase 37 acres that expires in 3.5 months. I had an early offer fall through. I currently have it listed on land.com and craigslist and also trying brokerless to get it on zillow ( still waiting for it to appear there)

Has anyone contacted local developers to see if they woulld want to buy your land ( assuming it’s big enough to develop)? This piece is big enough being 37 acres and zoned for residential. Just looking for ideas to get this sold while my option is still in effect.

@robere sure thing as long as the price is right and the utilities etc are within reasonable range for getting installed. Your value add might include running down the answers to all the permit and cost questions and getting as much as possible legally confirmed by use of your option as a limited power of attorney. If your option contract gets you that right.

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@robere Where is the property located?

I Robert
I use propstream to find buyers. search vacant land ownership 1 or 2 years and LLC
Look at counties that are next to subject property. Call and email them