Harnessing AI to Turn Data to Knowledge

Since I started in real estate investing one of my largest frustrations has been wasted time and money finding leads. Data seems great until you send 2,000 mailers and spend over $1,000 for dismal inquires.

My partner, he’s the data scientist and I are tackling this problem and have created a solution. AI (artificial intelligence) and machine learning to scrub data and turn it into actionable knowledge. I have been using this tool with real results, we are now looking to expand the users. To do this we are offering a small group free access to the scrubbing bot. This is in advance to our official launch and wanted to share it with @retipsterseth forum as it has done so much for us!

The more data the bot can process the smarter it becomes!

Drop me a message at fred@gablesland.com for me information.



@gablesland sign me up!

@gablesland I’m all in! :trophy:

@arturo Awesome, can we connect via email to get a time to chat and walk you through the process and answer any questions? I reiterate this is free and meant to drastically reduce the number of people you reach out to while increase the velocity of your deals.

The reason we are offering this free to a small group is to pump data through the bot and she will learn and get even smarter. Yes she is a woman as we all know they are smarter.

Talk soon!


Thanks for the offer. @gablesland I’d like to test it as well. Thanks again

@gablesland I’d be interested too. My email is bkklhomes@gmail.com. Keep me posted. And kudos to you!

@gablesland, I’m also interested. I’ll send you an email shortly.

@gablesland Hey Fred, thanks for sharing this info! I’d like to join if you’re still accepting a few people!

@gablesland said in Harnessing AI to Turn Data to Knowledge:


I sent you a message as well

@gablesland so like skiptracing with the help of AI?

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Sign me up.

@gablesland I’m all in! eddiegoodmanjr@gmail.com

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I’m in if it’s still open to folks trying. Rvelasco2311@gmail.com

@gablesland I am interested also. Thanks for the heads up! russbronson@gmail.com

Interested to give it a try.

@gablesland Interested! Just sent an email.

@cliff That is a great question and the short answer is yes, sort of! We are looking to identify ideal clients that are more likely to respond to contact. We have taken a lot of data and build an algorithm that is capable of ranking data for likelihood to respond. In addition, the fun part is the bot can learn, the more data it chews and gets feedback the smarter she will be, yes a she Betty.

So not replacing skip tracking as having good data is important but making sure any money spent on a contact is money well spent.

Make sense?

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Sign me up as well. statestcapital@gmail.com.

Everybody! The response to this has been amazing, we are really excited about helping the community to save real money and increase deal flow. We have more than enough investors to run this trial so we will not be able to take any more.

However, look for us to launch in late summer!

Warmest regards,


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sign me up!