Has anyone purchased any parcels completely in a body of water?

Just curious. I see these types of parcels all the time in lakes that appear to have been around a long time (suggesting someone purposefully purchased the parcel). Can anything creative be done with these properties, like selling lake access to a homeowner, or are they more or less junk parcels?

Why would you call a parcel on a lake be a junk parcel? Sounds like a nice property to me!


Maybe I didn’t articulate well enough. The property does not touch land whatsoever. Many I see are off the shore by at least 10’ (guessing here) and the owners don’t own any houses near the parcel. Wondering what someone’s thought would be behind purchasing a parcel in such an unusable spot.

No physical land, even within the parcel. Just straight water.

Hi! I saw this question in one of my emails notifications. Although I have absolutely no experience in water parcels, I will take a stab at this just to bring the experts in.

Before considering this, I would have to take a heavy look at easement and access to this parcel. If there is no easement or way to get in and out of this parcel without having to endure headaches such as docking policies, waterfront owners, etc, I WOULD PASS IMMEDIATELY.

However, the only ideas of using this parcel that I can really think of would be kite surfing lessons, jet ski lessons, boat testing, etc… none in my area of expertise (I’m from Energy and Utilities).

I’m looking forward to the other chime ins. Also, Please let me know if I’m off base and incorrectly understanding your question.


Additionally, the availability of fish and crustaceans (I’m from East Texas) would play a factor. However, in that instance, I’d have to link with a fish or canning company to see how I would move forward with that

Yeah this is the type of answer I was looking to get. My initial thought was maybe boat ramp access for rec fishing.

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If it was a salt water parcel, on a bay or tidal area, I’d be interested in having a look.

I can’t readily think of a good application for a parcel like that in a lake though.

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Hello Matthew, I once received a signed purchase agreement for a parcel of land that was at the bottom of a lake! Apparently a Dam hand been constructed and many properties were flooded to make way for a hydroelectric damn. Needless ti say we passed on that one! lol


Haha yeah I’d say you made the right call. Surprising the county didn’t just take ownership in some kind of imminent domain situation.

It sounds like a junk property to me :joy:

In case you’re search for words, this is called an ISLAND. You seem to be overly mystified by “parcels completely in a body of water”. They are not considered “junk” for that reason alone.

bought a 22 acre island once. buyer wanted it for camping. sold quickly.

No i was referring to an underwater parcel

I saw a few along the Texas gulf coast, usually near shore. One example is, you can sell deeded boat slips.

Here’s one near Houston


if arrangements could be made for access, one could anchor a houseboat for Air BnB/STR, unique stay. ( i have been wanting to do this for a while actually.) of course, it would depend on the details. also, how deep into the water is the ownership? parcels generally come with a certain amount of air space ownership too. does it offer any kind of natural resource value? something like mineral rights… the following is pushing creative thinking but would any of those be desirable and suitable for cell phone or billboard construction? i have seen energy wind mills in water. you could execute an options contract that defined contingencies for actual purchase. because you would be wanting that niche buyer in place already.

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