Hello and looking for list help

Hello everyone,

My husband and I are getting started in land investing and we are really excited to get started. We are running into some walls though and don’t know how to move forward. We are in Las Vegas and have started calling for lists. The problem is that we are constantly met with comments about how they don’t separate vacant land.

For the counties that had vacant land, they have just had the tax sale, so nothing left. Along that line though, if a property has a NOD given and will be going to auction soon (say within 30 days), does that really give us time to contact the owner and get a deal done?

We are newbies, so I hope I make sense.

@jwbalelo many people tend to pivot away from delinquent lists once they realize that most sellers aren’t even delinquent on their taxes. Try using a list service that extracts it directly from the county records? DataTree is pretty good

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@jwbalelo Hello, I would recommend taking a Free Trial with PropStream. They allow you to dig deep and will give you 100 contacts, based on your search criteria be exported so you get a snippet of quality. Hope this helps a bit!