How to find available water in an Aquifer

Any knowledge on aquifers?

I am subdividing a larger parcel into 6 smaller ones and am currently in the beginning stages. This property is located in Colorado and it is in a semi rural area. Its 30 min from town with 10-20 acre lots all around it. The lot has a residence on it with an active water well that does about 12-15 gpm. The well was drilled in 1972 with no issues.

Anyway, I was told by a real estate agent and friend of mine that prior to subdividing and surveying that I should be sure there is not going to be an issue with water. He said there is a 300 year rule and any given area will have a percentage of water that can be pulled from the aquifer. He said it’s likely fine but if there is a water issue the land wont sell.

2 questions…

1- How do I find out the available water in an aquifer?
2- Is that a concern I should have, has anyone hit an available water stumbling block?


Where there is no counsel,
the people fail;
But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.
-Proverbs 11:14

@frankstrucking I’ve heard this is a common issue/requirement out west (Arizona comes to mind, but I’m sure it’s a thing in all of the desert states).

I haven’t done this personally (on the eastern half of the US, water is much less of an issue), but I would imagine you might need someone like a hydrologist to come out and drill to test for the availability of water. Not exactly a geotechnical investigation (which tests for soil types and compatibility), but probably drilling deeper in fewer places until they can find an aquifer.

@retipsterseth Ok Thanks Seth. I’m pushing with the County a bit and scheduling a planning meeting. I might get some more info there too. I’ll share if its worth while.


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@frankstrucking I am not sure where in Colorado you are working, but as @retipsterseth stated, water is a big deal out west. Out here, water rights are typically worth far more than the land itself. As such, it is something significant to check into when buying land in desert states. We have a business that appraises, among other things, water rights so I can go way into the weeds on the topic. However, it should suffice to state that water rights will have an assigned number (similar to the APN you are used to seeing with parcels). Things to consider include the type of right, beneficial use, etc. Also, many areas (i.e. the bulk of Utah) will not allow any more well permits to be sold due to the extensive drought conditions, so if you can find anyone willing to sell, they are going for a premium. This link might be helpful.
Good luck!

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@cody-workman thanks a ton. lots of info on that website. been playing around with it quite a bit.

@frankstrucking Happy to help anytime. Excited to hear the update on this deal. You are going to crush it!