Is anyone here currently using Prycd?

What is your experience and curious about the data accuracy?

@mbalbarin I do. With regards to pricing, I found it to be way off in more than one occasions/market, despite its coverage map showed the area as covered by the software. For this reason, about two weeks ago, I decided to give a try to Price Boss…and I don’t think I’ll never regret my choice: price boss sure tkes time to be mastered AND to be used but that’s manual pricing on steroids ))).
I actually still keep the prycd offers in my lists so that, whenever Price Boss should have no comps in a specific micro-area for a specific acreage, I can still decide to use the offer sugegsted by prycd (geo adjusted, which is the prycd most granular option).
Also, I consider Prycd to be a VERY useful tool when it comes to pick a County/State where to invest: its database is really impressive and it allows you to set “tresholds” (DOMs, parcels on market, sold to for sale ratio etc) to choose your best market quickly and according to data.

If not already done, you want to check these two reviews that @retipsterseth made on Price Boss and Prycd:

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@arturo Thank you for the insights, I appreciate it.

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@mbalbarin I use Prycd as my sole resource for research and pricing. I agree with Arturo that, depending on the county and geography, pricing can be wildly inaccurate. For example, properties on the lake may be geo priced along with properties one mile from the lake and visa - versa. Another example would be properties with lots of trees right next to a property with no trees of the same size would be priced the same (where is some counties the properties with trees would have a market value of 2-3 times lot with no trees). My work around, while not perfect, has been to use Ranged offers when I know there is lot’s of variability. Desert squares or counties with less variability allow for more precise pricing and blind offers. For me it’s the best one stop shop simple tool available, you just have to be aware that it’s not perfect. As Seth mentions in his review, there really is no perfect tool. You just need to be aware of the limitations and adjust accordingly. That’s my two cents. : )


@miky443 Thank you for your feedback and the time.