Is it safe buying land near a lake or a creek or should I avoid those properties due to wetlands or flood issues?
Have you checked the FEMA flood maps or wetlands mapper to see what the situation looks like from both ends? Using a mapping tool like Land ID, you can do this in just a few seconds.
You can also do it for free if you use the free wetlands mapper or the FEMA maps. I explain how to use the wetlands one in this blog post:
And the free flood zone tools in this blog post:
FEMA was down yesterday ,but I will check today I did look at obienInsurance and it was helpful. I will check out wetland mapper as well thanks Seth always helpful🤝
I love waterfront property, and have bought many that were river front or creek front, which I think makes the property more desirable. typically these are going to be in the flood zone, bu there are different gradations of flood zone. Often times you can build in a flood zone by elevating the property and therefore being outside of the flood zone by elevation.
Water features are a mixed bag. They can either make a property worth way more or way less, depending on where the water is relative to any buildable area of the property.
Agree with @retipsterseth, Land id is great for showing you where the water is.
thanks, a lot David and Charlotte