Is it worth it?

Hello all,

I have three .28 lots under contract in a nice lake community. The subdivision was carved out in the 60’s and since then the regulation size for building permits has changed, making these lots not meet the qualifications. However, these lots all have building rights grandfathered in. The tricky part is the septic and well regulations. It could be really difficult/impossible to meet those regulations on these smaller parcels. Apparently, the only way to find out is to hire an engineer, which could cost more than what I’m getting them for.

Technically these are ‘buildable’ lots however I am not sure if they can be built on. The zoning doesn’t allow mobile, RV or tiny homes.

Can I market these properties as buildable?

What would you all do in this scenario? is it worth it to close on these?

The spread on them is pretty decent judging by the comps in the same subdivision. However, the lots that have sold are slightly bigger

Any help is appreciated.


@lcb Are the lots adjacent? You sell them together as a larger lot.

@sempervirens no unfortunately not. All on separate streets.

Hello, probably the spread WOULD be decent only in case that you could build on them (no other uses there) but they’re simply NOT buildable today. Also, even by trying to work around the issue - assuming that’s possible -, I understand that to hire an engineer wouldn’t make sense from a money perspective.
So, assuming I see it right, personally, I would pass.

I would check and see if any lots in the subdivision have been developed recently and see what the septic requirements were.
Info should be available at the local county? permit office or from the current owner.
Maybe, probably, should be similar dirt profile and similar perc test results?
Ask local septic contractors and engineers if they have had any recent experience in that neighborhood. Free and not too hard to maybe get a sense of how tough the road ahead may be.