Land Flipper For Hire?

Hi Everyone,

I’m a small real estate developer looking to develop properties in rural areas. I have specific criteria (locations, sizes, etc.) that I’m looking for in land and not finding what I want in the MLS. Land flipping came to mind as one possible solve. However, instead of trying to setup my own land flipping business I was wondering if partnering with an existing land flipper who already has systems in place might be a better approach. Is this something that land flippers do? Does anyone know of any land flippers that might be interested?


@awintheiser Anyone on here would be willing to help you out. We’re always looking for buyers!

If you want to share your ideal building criteria maybe I can help?

PM here or email at [email protected]

@awintheiser hi! Feel free to shoot an email to [email protected]. if I can’t help myself, I may know someone who probably could.

@cory Thanks. I just PMed you with some additional details.

@arturo Thanks, Arturo. I just sent you an email. Looking forward to hopefully discussing further.

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@awintheiser what state are you looking to purchase land?

@awintheiser Please let me know where you are looking for land. my email is [email protected]. Thanks, Toni

@landinggrp said in Land Flipper For Hire?:

[email protected]

Hi @landinggrp - I just sent you an email with my search criteria. Let me know if it’s up your alley. Thanks!

@themattmoore - I’m primarily looking in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. Are you active in those markets?

@awintheiser not currently, I’m working in Florida

@awintheiser Id be will to help you out if I can.
email me at [email protected]

@tpappas90 Email on its way. Looking forward to connecting.