Looking for partnership(s)

Hello there,
I’m looking for someone to partner up with in the land business. To be more specific, we would share costs of mailers and share any profits resulting from such mailers. My idea is that the profit would be shared according to how much of a mailer each partner funds. I could invest a couple of thousand per month in mail (that doesn’t mean that the partner I’m looking for has to invest the same sum). I’ve done a couple of smaller mailers so far and have gone through three land education programs. The partner I’m looking for should either be able and willing to call back leads or we would outsource that somehow, at least I, unfortunately, cannot do it on a regular basis due to my day job. My philosophy is to focus on rural vacant land but on the higher end, working together with deal funding partners and, on the sell side, with agents.
At any time, both partners should have the option of going separate ways without any hard feelings. The idea is to first do one mailer together and see how that works.
If you’re interested, please DM me.

@johannes I’d like to discuss this further with you. I am currently out of town until the end of next week. Do you have an email that we can correspond through?

I am interested. Let us share our contacts so we can discuss further to find agreeable approach. Looking forward to hearing from you.


I am interested. Let us share our contacts so we can discuss further to find agreeable approach. Looking forward to hearing from you.

This message was for Johannes, but sent to Kaushal. Sorry for my mistake.


Thank you, I sent both of you a DM with my contact info.

@johannes Which states or cities do you send mailers to? Let’s discuss further as I can help you follow up with leads, sales & contract negotiations. My email is [email protected].

Kevin Copeland

@kevykev said in Looking for partnership(s):

[email protected]

I have sent mailers to FL and WA so far, I’m now looking to expand to other states. I’ll email you. Thanks.

@johannes I would be interested in doing something like this. My email address is [email protected]. Look forward to hearing from you!