Looking to form fellow mastermind group! 3-4 deals a month

Looking for fellow land investors to join a group where we can jump on a zoom call once a week and share techniques, keep each other accountable. Let me know!

@koisounds said in Looking to form fellow mastermind group! 3-4 deals a month:

Looking for fellow land investors to join a group where we can jump on a zoom call once a week and share techniques,

Good afternoon Alex, I am new to land investing but I would like to listen in on this call if it materializes. I live in Jacksonville FL where I currently work as a hydrogeologist for a large engineering company. I have not completed a land deal on my own but I have selected and evaluated properties for large utilities to purchase. You, or someone in the group, my find my experience or ability to perform boots on the ground due diligence in NE FL valuable. I am looking for ways to gain experience and create a network within the community and this seems to be a good opportunity. Please send me a message if you would like to talk. Thanks!

I would be interested. I am fairly new to the REItipster approach , but have done a few real estate deals recently. Been going through the land flipping master class and ready to take it to the next phase. I am located in the Northeast US, LMK.

Thanks for posting this. I’ve been in the business for 2.5 years and am currently in coaching through August. Would love the accountability of a mastermind after that finishes. Whats the best way to get more details on what you had in mind?

Hey, Im Charles, let me know if the zooms started, I would like to hop in.