Looking to Fund Land Deals

Any advise on how to find land investors looking for funding or JV partners.

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When I talked with @chrisduff about this back in episode 187, I believe he said he spent a lot of time striking up DM conversations with people in various FB groups and other online forums.

In other words, you should monitor who seems to be most active and then start real, authentic conversations with them. It’s like building any real relationship: You ask questions and say things to show that you’re actually paying attention and want to help.

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Hi David, we use OPM from time to time. We could connect and chat.

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Hey Clint reach out anytime, I would like to hear from you.

sure thing shoot me some contact info. Clint@sansouciholdings.com thanks

Howdy. Sign me up? Please send criteria requirements to IreneStruif@gmail.com. Thanks so much!

Always open to new opportunities boydmcclean@hotmail.com

We are looking to do Deal Funding for land investors. Whats different about our program is that we will handle the entire disposition through an auction and marketing process that we’ve developed to sell our own properties. We do market the auction to real estate agents directly, which helps get around the whole “advertising compensation for buyers agents” debacle. This way you wont have to deal with the situation of getting locked in with a bad realtor who wont do anything other than list your property on the MLS (we’ve had this problem too). Our schedule plans to have the property sold and closed all within 100 days. https://www.southendprop.com/

We have funded over 300 deals so far. There’s a website to submit - www.financelandsales.com I’ve been in real estate in various forms since 1995 and in land since 2018. We buy notes too. We like properties that are dry, flat, easy to get to.

I have access to owner financed land deals in Texas. If interested let me know. Acres involved 60-477.

Hey Boyd I’m a buyer for deals like that, will send you a dm - Scott