Lot Acreage: What's Your Bread & Butter?

I’m curious to know what lot acreage you all have found the most success with in terms of acquiring and selling?


  • Acquiring: 10-20 Acres
  • Selling: 3-5 Acres

@dvucak I think the answer will vary quite a bit depending on the market.

In general, if by “success” you mean the easiest to find and buy from motivated sellers, there are a lot more of the smaller, cheaper properties out there (1 acre or less) than the big, home run strike-it-rich-in-one-deal kind of properties. If you’re looking for higher volume from the low-hanging fruit, the smaller properties are easiest to find and buy.

However, if by “success” you mean the kinds of deals that make a lot of money, I’ve found pretty good success in the 10+ acre range. These ones always seem to be worth my time… but again, that’s because of the markets where I’ve bought these. If you’re looking at landlocked parcels in the desert, 10 acres still isn’t all that big or valuable.

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@retipsterseth Yeah… my question was a bit vague huh… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

However, admittedly, that was somewhat intentional. Lol I figured I would get the “it depends” response so I didn’t want to make it too direct to where people couldn’t relate. I’m just genuinely curious to see what’s working well for others out there!

For some context into my personal dilemma, my current campaign is focused on the smaller lots - up to 10 acres - though roughly half of my leads turned out to be smaller than a half acre (screenshot below).

My thought was, exactly as you mentioned, these would be easier to snag. I’m just wondering if there’s such a thing as too small, especially considering price per acre tends to be significantly higher for these smaller properties.


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@dvucak those results look pretty consistent with most of the markets where I’ve worked.

As for a parcel being too small, it totally depends on the required setbacks and the norms of that market.

In places like Chicago or Boston, parcels can be very small and houses can literally touch each other (so, parcels don’t need to be big in order to be valuable) but if you’re talking about a rural market (which I’m assuming you are), again - the setback requirements play a big part in this.

As a general rule, I usually don’t look twice at parcels smaller than a quarter acre. That’s not to say smaller parcels than this are never worth pursuing (again, there are many other variables that can give a smaller parcel value, like it’s location, uses, zoning, setbacks, etc), but statistically speaking, the ones that prove to be worth the time and trouble are typically larger than this.

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