Mastermind Group

Hi everyone,
I am part of a small 3-man land investing business. We are looking to join a mastermind group to network, share our experience, and also learn from others. Is anyone here part of a group that has room for us? If not, we will be looking to create our own group and would be looking for people who are interested in joining. Thanks!

@josephef I would like to be part of one.

@probb Thanks Patricia! We will let you know if we are able to form a group.


Hey Joseph,

I too am looking to join a Mastermind. Land.MBA has a pay-to-join Mastermind group, but I haven't heard any feedback from anyone who is in it. Let us know how your search goes. Let me know of any others that you may find. Thanks!

Hi Joseph,

If you end up starting one, I would like to join as well. I am part of a two person land investing business.

@sempervirens Hi, we have gotten enough people to create one. Please PM me so we can discuss details and get things organized.

@probb Hi, we have gotten enough people to create one. Please PM me so we can discuss details and get things organized.

@mikedroc23 Hi, we have gotten enough people to create one. Please PM me so we can discuss details and get things organized.