New kid on the forum!

Hello everyone,

I am just joining the forum!

I’m a truck driving, oilfield working, entrepreneur with ZERO real estate experience. Super excited to be here and ready to learn all I can.

I’m Colorado based and have been doing online research which keeps leading me to REtipster.

I currently own 15 acres that my residence is on and I’m going to start my first land deal with a re-subdivision of my property, and meanwhile, learn all I can here. Then my plan is to take the masterclass and jump in with both feet and go full throttle. By the looks of it there is a ton of info and help with lots of good people.

Glad to be here!


Where there is no counsel,
the people fail;
But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.
-Proverbs 11:14

Welcome to the forum @frankstrucking - glad to have you here! That’s one of my favorite Proverbs, by the way. :slight_smile:

Sounds like a cool opportunity to add value and squeeze some new equity on your existing property. Keep us posted as you pursue that!

Hey Frank,

Welcome to the Forum. I get a lot of great info from the forum but I don’t usually chime in much. I’m going to change that and be more active. Best of luck to you!
