New Member Here!

Hello All! Super Excited to be here!

A quick intro about myself: I am 23 years old, and I have been wholesaling for around 3 years. Mainly in the midwest (Northeast Ohio), my partner and I have jumped around from market to market, California, back to the East Coast, and are now currently in Pittsburgh. Our most recent deal there just closed a few weeks ago profiting us $32k… But I am ready for a change.

Here is the truth:

I am tired of the inconsistency of dealing with houses and I want to make a change. I know that I need to. I have heard that wholesaling land and subdividing land is a lot easier, more scalable, and more fun. I would love to transition my business over to this model but do not know where to start. I understand sales, systems, automation, and email marketing very well and the technicalities behind it. I simply want to make the change but do not know where to start.

I am super excited to be in this community, provide value, network, and hopefully be able to begin land investing soon!


Hey @aaronwaxman - welcome to the forum!

When you say:

I would love to transition my business over to this model but do not know where to start.

It’s actually not that hard… in fact, if you’ve got this kind of experience wholesaling houses, you’re already WAY ahead of most people who are starting from nothing, because you understand how to market and find legitimate deals in a REI niche that is much more competitive than land.

It sounds like you just need to pick a market, decide a general size range (in acres and/or values) you want to pursue, download a list from DataTree or PropStream (or whatever data service you’re already most familiar with) and start reaching out to them.

Most of us start with direct mail, and as a house wholesaler, I’m sure you’re probably familiar with this and probably many other marketing mediums that most land investors don’t use (this is where you most likely have the biggest competitive advantage). If I were you, I would try using whatever was working best to find house deals, just redirect them to find land deals instead.

The due diligence process is a bit different (mostly easier) than houses, you can see a bit more about that in this blog post.

Of course, you can get an end-to-end overview on how to do everything in the Land Investing Masterclass, but if you want a simpler (and free) primer on what the process looks like, you can check out this blog post to start with.

If you get stuck on any other specific issues, be sure to post them here and we’ll help you out!

@aaronwaxman Seth brings up a very great point - experience with wholesaling houses - you are way ahead. With that context you shouldn’t have much problem getting started.

@retipsterseth got a great podcast and land investing masterclass. It’s what I personally took when I first got started!

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