New method to retrieve comps with data scraper

@tmillen Todd thank you this is awesome!
Will this work for “sold comps” and locating days on market till sold?

@dl7573 Which tool do you use?

@mike-i, I used ParseHub ( It had limitations on the amount of scraping that you could do each month for free and I ended up trying one of the paid plans for a little while, because it did a really good job and the particular sites and data fields I was trying to scrape at the time seemed to cause issues with all of the free scraping tools I tried.

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In case anyone wants to see a deep dive on how to use the data scraper that @tmillen mentioned above, I put together this video explaining the process:

You can also see a blog post about it here:

Thanks, Todd for making this suggestion!


@retipsterseth, @tmillen, @Sean-Callahan

Is there a way to get these extensions to extract the GPS Coordinates?

I’m a bit late to the party, but feel free to use the Pebble Pricer (Free Chrome Extension) to grab and run comps quickly. Here’s how it works.

Download free here: