Searching for vacant land in AgentPro247 - what's the best plan?

Good Evening,

I am trying to search for vacant land in AgentPro247. What option should I use to sign up with AgentPro247?

Any thoughts?

Thanks and Regards,

@samlands if you're using AP247 to pull lists for direct mail, I think it depends on the number of leads you want to generate on a monthly basis. All the plans allow you to search for vacant land, so it's just a question of how many records you want to pull

Practically speaking, the least expensive way to get started is to use "Pay As You Go" Data Dollars ($30 minimum), so you can just pay for what you want to use. If you find that you're using it a lot, and you'll continue using it on an ongoing basis, then it might make sense to sign up for a formal plan that charges you monthly... but until then, you might as well make the smallest commitment you can.

@retipsterseth I signed up for the "pay as you go" until I see how much I actually need. I'm having a hard time finding addresses. Most of the lists I'm pulling have no addresses. I check RVL, and the size with the counties. Am I missing something? I'm starting in Virginia, because it's where I live and I guess it feels comfortable. Any info on flipping land in Virginia would be greatly appreciated.



@danielle - are you referring to the property owner's mailing address or the address of the property itself?

If you're looking specifically for vacant land, you'll find that most properties don't have a registered mailing address yet. This is very common.

If you're referring to the property owner's mailing address being blank... that sounds like a more fundamental issue with the county's database, since that's one of the most basic elements that ought to be included for every record you find. In that case, I would try looking in a different county altogether.

@retipsterseth I got it. The address doesn't appear until you purchase the list. Thanks for your reply!

shaking my head


@danielle @retipsterseth This post has helped me so much. Gamechanger!

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@danielle - I sent you an e-mail regarding AP247.

@karljames Hey Karl, do you mind messaging me?