Sending postcards without names?

I'm just wanting some thoughts on sending out postcard mailers without the parcel owners' names. Has anyone done this? Does anyone have any opinions they would like to share? Several of the counties I've asked for lists from are citing laws requiring that they not give out the owners names if the list is to be used for "commercial purposes". I can get all of the other info including mailing I was thinking of maybe writing some generic thing on the postcard for a name, but I'm looking for feedback on that idea.

Huh (the inquisitive version, not the confused version). I didn't know about that kind of law or ordinance. Thanks for the heads up to look out for that. Can you share what region of the country you are targeting (because maybe it's regional)?

I've heard a lot of talk about "worst case" in podcasts and interviews surrounding this business, but I've never heard worst cases involving accidentally breaking laws (which I think could be a worse worst case).

I’ve heard of that about the names but they weren’t willing to give mailing addresses so that’s awesome! Most people only have 1-2 properties available anyways so as long as it lands in their mailbox, I’m sure they’ll know what you’re referring to. Personally, I’d definitely do it!

@oranjoose Yeah, it's weird. I'm trying to work in Washington. I've received a variety of responses from the Counties that I've contacted. One or two of the counties will give the list to me without the names, but they both cite the RCW stating that the can't give names for commercial purposes. One county gave me the list without names but also wants me to affirm that I won't be using it for commercial purposes. So, I'm trying to get more clarification on that. Yeah it would definitely be worst, worst case scenario to be breaking laws!

@AFlanagan I may go ahead and send them.... I'm trying to look into it a bit more just to be sure I'm not breaking any laws.

@Bloomfieldks Yes definitely make sure you’re not breaking any laws.

Ran into this with a county in New York state this past week. They asked me to sign a form promising the list would not be used for commercial purposes. According to 18 USCS § 31 "The term “used for commercial purposes” means the carriage of persons or property for any fare, fee, rate, charge or other consideration, or directly or indirectly in connection with any business, or other undertaking intended for profit."

So, even operating without an LLC doesn't seem to get me where I need to be. The definition is pretty broad, and not really in favor of someone doing business. I'd still like to target that county at some point, but for the moment I have backed off.

As for getting rid of the names and addressing them all to "Vacant Land Owner" or something like that, it moves you another notch on the "Personalized mail / junk mail" scale, if you can live with that.

@DanielC Yeah, it looks like at least one county wants me to sign a similar form. I'm bummed about it, but for now, I'm doing the same and moving on to another place.

@DanielC tried to message you about this but it said you must be following me to message you. I recently sent a mailer to New York State and got a couple properties under contract. I'm having trouble finding someone to handle the closings and issue title insurance. I tried calling a few attorneys but they are all telling me thousands of dollars to close on a $6k property. Some of them demanded a survey too. Do you have an attorney in New York that you use?


Why not try to get the data from a third party provider like datatree?

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