Using Plastiq for Escrow Funding w/ Credit Card. Anyone with Experience?

Has anyone funded escrow with your credit card by processing the payment via

@suitedconnector Yes. It’s pretty easy to do. But I only used it with 0% interest cards that I could pay off quickly rather than get funding elsewhere. There fee for their service is relatively low compared to a profit split or fees elsewhere. But if you’re using a card that also has interest it may not be such a good idea, especially on higher end properties, unless you are positive you can flip it within a month or two.

@probb Yea, that’s exactly what I did; used a 0% interest CC to fund the purchase.

Plastiq did come through with the escrow payment. I was a bit nervous because it first got denied and I thought that would red flag the card but the next day Plastiq said it was approved.

It took 3 days instead of 1 (as noted on their website) for the wire transfer to be completed so that was also a bit nerve-wracking, but ultimately was a good experience. The rough thing is Plastiq’s customer service is only by email and you may wait 24 hours before getting any reply.