Virtual Assistant or no?

So I work a W-2 job and run a mobile home park flipping business. I recently got into land and have three vacant land properties under contract. For land - I’ve done some soft comps, but do not feel competent in doing due diligence or coming up with adequate comp ranges. To compensate, I have been sharing leads with more experienced investors on a JV basis to do these things for me and to work on dispositions.

Does anyone have thoughts on hiring a Virtual Assistant(s) to perform these kinds of activities?

Why do you not feel confident in your due diligence or doing comps? Is there something you don’t feel you have a firm grasp of?

Where do you feel are your biggest knowledge gaps?

Thank you for responding. I’m still learning the ropes about what DD questions to even ask or what will stop a deal. I’m also super slow at running comps to know what offer range to be in.

You are not alone on that.

Due diligence is one of the biggest learning hurdles and also one of the easiest places to slack off.

It’s one of the big pillars the props up any successful land investing business. Do it well, and every deal will be build on a strong foundation. Do it poorly, you’re asking for some huge future trouble.