Hi @PrattFamily, great question! Thanks for asking.
I love it when people submit their property info through my website because they can give me most of the info I need without consuming much of my time.
BUT, many people won’t go to your website, no matter how easy or obvious you make it for them in your letter. If they’re a phone communicator, and if you don’t provide a phone number as an option, you’ll lose a valuable lead.
That’s why I give them both options, and even an email address doesn’t hurt in case they prefer that way.
Interestingly, I’ve found that most people who submit their information through my website do so because they found me online in the first place, not because my letter told them to go there (sometimes they’ll visit my website because of my letter, but I wouldn’t assume they’re going to do that just because my letter is pushing them that way).
The bottom line is, you should be prepared to field the ball however it gets hit to you, whether it’s via the phone, email, website, text, etc. The more ways you can react, the more opportunity you’ll be able to catch.
I’d say it’s a good idea to call them.
In all honesty, if I’m feeling lazy or not overly excited about the deal, I might start with an email to see if they respond… but a phone call will give you a much better personal connection and responsiveness because emails are easy to ignore or miss altogether. When you’re on the phone, you have them in the here and now.