What E-Signature Service Do You Use?

Anyone have advice or reviews for e sign services? Thanks, Fred

@gablesland There are a bunch out there, but I’ve been using PandaDoc and really like it. The free account has unlimited docs. Granted, you can’t do certain things like setup templates with a free account, but so far the free account has been fine for my needs.

I’ve also used HelloSign, which I liked, too, but their free account only lets you do 3 docs per month.


@gablesland I’ve used DocuSign for years and it’s been great for me.

I think PandaDoc is also a very solid option. If I had to start over again, I might even go with PandaDoc. Something about it feels clean and easy to use, but maybe it’s just a personal preference thing.

@gablesland, I’m also using PandaDoc for contracts relating to land business, as well as for leases on my semi-short-term rental property (~90 day leases with travel nurses), and it’s been meeting our needs well.

@gablesland We use SignRequest, it’s a bit cheaper than the other options, especially if just using for PSA’s, not extensive users or anything. UX is still good, especially on the customer-facing side.

All, thank you so much for the ideas and feedback. I started with Adobe sign and it was terrible, could not figure it out so based on the groups advice I am working with pandadoc and it appears easier and have booked an online demo.


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@gablesland Well I tried Pandadoc and even did a 45 minute zoom call with them to learn, was ok but still a lot of moving pieces. I was/am looking for simple so took a look at Docusign, salvation. Can upload a completed PDF doc add initial/signature boxes and send in 3 minutes, amen.

I have been using a paid subscription PDF ceator / editor tool called Nitro Pro, which includes Nitro Sign - it has a very easy to use interface. I rebenr seeing that Nitro Sign was potnetially availble for free download / use seperately for a year (might google Nitro Sign). I previusly used DocuSign (paid monthly) but realize NitroSign was included with my NitroPro PDF soultion.

Full disclosure - I have never used PandaDoc but have repeatedly read good feedback from fellow land collegues on the product.

@gablesland Sorry to hear PandaDoc didn’t work out for you. I’ve always found it to be very user friendly and easy to use. Good luck with docusign though.

@lindah thank you so much for your offer and am sure it is all on me! Pandadoc tried to get me set up but, as they say “user error”.