What Tools Are Needed for Due Diligence?

Just starting out what are the tools you must have to perform due diligence before buying a property?

Are you talking about physical due diligence (property boundaries and characteristics - the kinds of things typically done with an on-site inspection) or paper due diligence (title history, zoning, restrictions, etc)?

Between Google Earth and DataTree, you can do a lot of this stuff.

Knowing your way around the county’s website can also serve you very well... and might even negate the need for a paid data service like DataTree altogether.


Was asking what data service or parcel software was a must to look at a parcel you are thinking of buying

Datatree has some great tools in it. Also the county GIS and assesor info is very important as a first step.

I find it is invaluable to create a kml overlay of the property (from gis map) in Google earth and check topography, elevation, access, flood map, and measurements.