Why hide the exact location for sale?

As a buyer, I also look at on-market listings, I look at fb and land.com and the other marketplaces… and once in a while I’ll see a decent-looking listing and inquire further.

This week I found a 9 acre parcel, but no specific location (just the general area). So I inquired. Heard back from the sales rep, very nice lady, happy to tell me all about the place, but:

When I asked for the parcel number or at least a map pin or lat/lon, she said,

“sorry, my bosses don’t allow me to give that out, but I’d be happy to set an appointment to meet you at the site and tour this weekend”

I explained nicely to her that no, I’m not driving 2 hours each way to look at a place before I even map it, check the zoning, check the plat, slope, all the other DD that takes me 5 minutes at my computer.

My question: what business reason would a seller do this?

Clearly they are doing rural subdivisions, they have several parcels for sale… why not give the location?


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That is weird. Maybe they’re concerned about land scammers trying to get themselves in the middle of the deal? Even that doesn’t make a lot of sense, but I can’t think of any other reason to not hand over the location.

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Most likely they don’t own it yet and are concerned that you would go to the current owner and cut them out. Probably they have it under contract with a POA so they can list it and try to sell it.

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@DirtGuy that actually makes a lot of sense. I be that’s it.

They are wanting to force a face to face.