Does anyone have any reviews and recommendations of land coaches?

Thanks in advance for any recommendations. Also any book recommendations would be great.

Never join any investing coaching programs. I did and found out that their coaches only have 2 hours of training. The coaches are the people who join then a year later get a job with the company. Many don’t have any experience to teach you. Instead: Find professionals, civil engineers, architects, landscape architects, and so forth for land. Or somebody that graduate in a new field called: real estate development.

Travis King is one to look into. He is one of the top thought leaders in our industry. The Land Investor’s Playbook is the best land investing book I’ve read to date. I think it should be required reading for any serious land investor.

@landmavericks is also a huge resource with a great community at Especially if you’re in the new or intermediate phase and need some hand-holding and confirmation that you’re on the right track, that’s exactly what you’ll get from him. He offers more personalized attention than any other land coach I know. I’ve spent time with several people in his community and all of them love the guy.

To @everett_pena’s point, there are some coaches in this space who will find people in their community who have done a few deals, offer them $100/hr for the ‘status’ of being one of their coaches, and then charge their students 10X more, so the guru can pocket the cash without spending their own time being a coach. Not surprisingly, there are ‘mixed reviews’ (to put it kindly) on how well this works.

Thanks Seth for the recommendations!