Getting ready to create my first mailers

Hi everyone, I have long had a bad habit of paralysis by analysis, which I am correcting by taking concrete steps everyday, even if some things do need consideration and decision. In the last week I set up a buying website and phone number. Next step is getting a mailing campaign ready. I reached out to Rocket Print & Mail to get started and they sent me a link to a bunch of case studies.

A lot of the case studies showed letter campaigns, which I was not expecting, I had it in my mind that postcards were the typical mailer. Quick question for all of you, do you use letters or postcards for your mailing campaigns? Do you find one to have more success than the other? Should I combine it by sending out letters and then postcards two weeks later to the same list? What are your thoughts?


@aaronkirkland If I mail I generally recommend letters. I do neutral letters with a qualifier:

“Now, I need to be upfront: I am a land holdings company and would need you to be willing to work with me a little on the numbers for us to make a deal happen.”

That said, my goal here is to create a win-win and give you as much money as I can while still having it work for our company’s investment purposes…"


Thank you, I was leaning towards letters already so this is very helpful.

I have major analysis paralysis as well!

I use Postcards with a Offer Price listed.

Since its a #s game and a large % of the addresses will be bad, Its alot cheaper to use Postcards and you can get out almost twice as many offers in the mail.

I have used RocketPrint and with their 500 Minimum per Mailing requirement can be a pain.

I would look into Mailbox Power, it is a Subscription system, but is alot cheaper, no Minimums, and much easier to upload lists.

@aaronkirkland Thanks for sharing. I went through the exact same thing when starting out.

My first mail campaign got me just one small deal with barley enough profit to cover the mail costs. A complete failure from an ROI standpoint. But that one deal taught me more than any blog post or YouTube video could have.

Shameless plug: Pebble is great for getting a quick campaign out. There are no minimums and you can even send your mail with a free trial and cancel right after. DM me if you need help!

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